Next to a lonely facade (the rest of the house was down, and only the front view remained intact), Eötvös 10 cultural centre looks extremely modern. Inside, a Spartan hallway brought us to a spartan café. As in any café I’ve been to here before, the bartender did not know what to do when asked for a regular coffee, so we got an Espresso, waiting for ének és gitár (Opera singing and guitar). The concert room was empty before we entered, but that didn’t keep the singer from giving all her heart to the vocals. Even more impressive was the guitar player, who caressed and fondled his guitar like none of us had seen before. With all his heart’s blood he played us ‘Un Sueno en la Floresta’ and ‘Sua Cosa’, with a continuous content smile on his lips.

Impressed by this gem we’d just discovered in the heart of Pest, we wandered through the VII. District towards Szimpla Kert. Have I mentioned the Szimpla before?

Laura, in case you are reading this: The Szimpla is what you and I have been dreaming about. It’s exactly that place. Everything in there is full with paintings and drawings and full with stuff. There is a phone receiver instead of a knob on the ladies’ restroom door,  and you can see the electricity cord hanging from the hand dryer. There are video installations and stuff-sculptures, and a Trabi that is re-functioned as a loveseat. You can also take your bike inside because inside is outside and upstairs the former apartments and rooms are opened up as café rooms. The whole thing is half courtyard and garden, half living room and café. A DJ desk is built over the courtyard on the first floor, hanging in the air, and there are carafes and old kitchen utensils randomly dangling on the walls (like  on my balcony in Maastricht, just a lot more of it).  There are grandma lampshades and wobbly armchairs, and writings on every wall. There is the possibility that you never want to leave this place once you entered.
9/22/2010 04:11:38 am

You were the only ons's they were playing for? marvelous! Wish I was there too.


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