photo: C. Wohlsperger
It’s exam period (still) and we’re approaching the Christmas holidays (also, still). That means, in essence, that I refuse to do my groceries in an attempt to empty my fridge one meal at a time. By now, I’ve certainly arrived at the point where my fridge is shockingly empty and my meals are largely rice with whatever I can dig up (“Reismitscheiß” seems to become a Mundus-wide specialty).

A few days back I decided I needed to eat nachos. Desperately. There comes the point in my writing essays that I am convinced I can’t think without chewing. Because nachos are not exactly a staple in our kitchen, I had to improvise. Maybe, possibly, this Knäckebrot/Knækbrød version is healthier than actual corn nachos but who knows, really. In any case, those who tried them approved and those who didn’t were jealous/curious/amused, which I find enough reason to make you guys try it yourselves!

Nordic Nachos (for two)

- 4 pieces of Knäckebrot/Knækbrød/Crisp bread
- Tomato pesto or something of the like
- Sliced olives
-Chopped pickled jalapenos
-Cheddar cheese
-Parmesan cheese

The rest is simple: you cut or break the bread into smaller chunks (I tried triangles for nacho-feeling) and pile them in an oven-safe dish. Spread the pesto on some, half, or all the pieces. Sprinkle olives and jalapenos, salt and pepper, then add the cheese to cover up the pile with however much of everything you want.

Once it’s in the oven, it will take about 20 minutes to melt and brown the cheese. Afterwards, I assume the nachos will taste best if you eat them immediately. But we didn’t leave them the time to cool off anyways because they smelled, looked and tasted fantastic.

Andy Wohlsperger
12/13/2011 09:15:10 am

I would add some seafood to make it nordish by nature!!!!


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