I just came back to Aarhus from the semester break. The Danish and all our different cultures and mentalities once more plunging back into one big pot of six-hour-lectures and welcome-back parties. 
These lectures and parties gave me a hard time cooking anything that was "too much of an effort". It turned out to be okay: Inspired by a Portugese potato-cabbage soup I made this grand delicious winter soup
fry 1 onion and 1 clove garlic
add 1 chopped potato and
1 chopped carrot; add 3 cups water.

When the potato is almost cooked, boil 1 egg in a separate pan. Add sliced cabbage (however much you want really), salt, pepper and a little bit of sugar to the soup. 
Once the egg is boiled, cut it up and mix it with the soup. Serve with fresh parmesan cheese

So you see. I haven't come to terms yet with my cooking style this year, but the mix did very well for me. And the soup went perfect with the cold and the snow that is finally beginning to fall. 

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